I'm in love with my new stripy shirt from H&M. My best friend is finally back from Mexico and it snowed again over night, so we thought we'd take some photos this evening in the garden. I really like how they turned out and will post the ones i took of Stef tomorrow. I love love love the snow and am so glad i took some snow photos this winter, but i am ready to say goodbye to this weather now so that i can start jogging again.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Everything i touch goes cold, castles in the snow.
I'm in love with my new stripy shirt from H&M. My best friend is finally back from Mexico and it snowed again over night, so we thought we'd take some photos this evening in the garden. I really like how they turned out and will post the ones i took of Stef tomorrow. I love love love the snow and am so glad i took some snow photos this winter, but i am ready to say goodbye to this weather now so that i can start jogging again.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Bring me the Horizon ft Skrillex - This sadness with never end
Reflection in my window.
Our legs begin to break
We've walked this path for far too long
My lungs, they start to ache
But still we carry on
I'm choking on my words
Like I got a noose around my neck
I can't believe it's come to this
And dear, I fear
That this ship is sinking tonight
I won't give up on you
These scars won't tear us apart
So don't give up on me
It's not too late for us
And I'll save you from yourself
And I'll save you from yourself.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Seventeen without a purpose or direction. We don´t owe anyone a fucking explanation!
Classic random Germany throws like 10cm of snow over the country after a week of what seemed like the start of spring. But i love snow and it gives me an excuse to wear my Christmas woolly hat, so i´m not complaining. I've been eating so much junkfood today and listening to Blink 182. I love them so much. Seeing them live last year at Hurricane Festival after waiting seven years for that moment was incredible. I think everyone has that one band that no matter how many years go past, their music and lyrics are just timeless to you and can still evoke so many emotions listening to them. ♥

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
14 Grad
Heute kam endlich der Frühling zu Deutschland. 14 grad war es heut' Nachmittag in Hamburg also ich bin zum Landungsbrücken runtergelaufen und habe dort der Sonnenuntergang genossen und ein Paar Bilder gemacht.
Es ist nun jetzt 18:30 und ich bin seit Montag immer noch wach. :/ Ich habe gestern GAR NICHT geschlafen, kein einzige Minute. Ich lag wirklich sechs Stunden im Bett und habe versucht einzuschlafen, könnte aber iwie nicht. Und dann um 6.30 musste ich aufgeben und aufstehen, da ich zur Arbeit musste. Und morgen wieder Frühschicht und ein neun Stunden Tag also hoffentlich klappt das besser heute Abend mit Einschlafen. :)
Wenn der Sonne auch bei euch war, ich hoffe ihr habt er auch genossen!

Es ist nun jetzt 18:30 und ich bin seit Montag immer noch wach. :/ Ich habe gestern GAR NICHT geschlafen, kein einzige Minute. Ich lag wirklich sechs Stunden im Bett und habe versucht einzuschlafen, könnte aber iwie nicht. Und dann um 6.30 musste ich aufgeben und aufstehen, da ich zur Arbeit musste. Und morgen wieder Frühschicht und ein neun Stunden Tag also hoffentlich klappt das besser heute Abend mit Einschlafen. :)
Wenn der Sonne auch bei euch war, ich hoffe ihr habt er auch genossen!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
London and Plymouth
In February i went to England for a week and spent a few days in London where i always find myself going to see all the landmarks and doing all the touristy things. Then i went down to Plymouth to see my boys. Every time i go down there and drive into the city with all the lights of the harbour shining out the window i feel like i am coming home.

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Der Mensch ist elektrisch, seit du weg bist bin ich ohne Strom.
Me and my friend had an impromptu photoshoot on Thursday night walking through Sternschanze. We stayed up all night watching One Direction interviews and then i took her to the airport on Friday morning because she´s going to Mexico for two weeks. My other best friend went to Australia recently for a month as well, so i feel so lonely haha! We found some Vans and Converse in the cupboard at her house, so we borrowed them for the photos.
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