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Thursday, June 30, 2011


This weekend i spent about 20 hours in trains and slept about ten hours in five days. Halfway home my train got cancelled, so i was stuck 400km from home until the next morning. But the weekend was great! Seeing all the others again for the first time since January, having a run in with the police, drinking a looot, getting told off everytime we were speaking english, learning a lot of spanish. PUTA!~ But it was so sad saying goodbye to everyone, now that everyone is going home to Columbia, France, Mexico or wherever home is because after six months or one year, everyone´s like a family.

One of my best friends here is leaving back to Brasil this weekend and so we met after school today- couldn't stop laughing watching all the videos from Friday night in Ahrweiler, and walked to the harbour here. Then tomorrow we have Zeugnisausgabe for one hour and then SOMMER !

1 comment:

  1. ja bin ich! dann wünsche ich dir ganz tolle ferien! :)
