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Saturday, July 16, 2011


It´s almost 1am and i´m sat here with wet hair, charging up camera batteries etc and with the last things that i´m taking on the plane tomorrow, sitting on my bed. I´ve already packed up everything else and sent it all off to Niedersachsen today and now it´s my last night here before i´m leaving tomorrow at 5:45 to drive to Hamburg-Lübeck and fly to England.

It´s a strange feeling because it´s the end of what i´ve known as everydaylife here for over three months, since i was still wearing my winter coat and had no idea about this city and knew no one or how i was gonna handle the next block, but right now i feel like i´ve managed it all. :)

I could write so much more reflecting the last six months, as i´ve changed and grown up so much from moving over here and having a whole different life than i was used to. But now this life is normal for me, and i wouldn´t ever want to go back, because i´ve learned and experienced so much over here. Now tomorrow i´m going back to London, which is the first time where i´m going to be an adult and organising the whole month by myself.


  1. i just found a comment you made on an old blog post hahaha you asked about my earrings! they're all from h&m and pretty much all from the same set. xxxxxx

  2. wow, how nice. i want to go to england too :(
    well, have much fun. we want A LOT of pictures!
