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Monday, September 26, 2011

i really want a buff girlfriend i really want a girl who´s really really buff.

I think egg and soldiers for breakfast must be really typical british thing, because i´ve never seen someone in Germany eating it as long as i´ve lived here. I used to eat this every day for breakfast indefinitel last year for months and months, and i´ve strayed for a long time, but now i remembered it again! :D And the green thing because i´ve got a cold init -.- .


1 comment:

  1. What's the soldiers? ;) Just bread cut into slices? Buttered?
    You see, I have no clue ;)
    I am in Elephant & Castle, and from the Stuttgart area in Germany.
    Hope you're well over there - how come you're in Germany anyway?

    Lily xx
    lonely afternoon
