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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rio - Turn this club around official album minimix

Pictures from Sunday at the Chrismtmas market in Hamburg. My friend visited me and we went to Starbucks and got some Christmas frappes! Then in McDonalds i had a "Nürnburger", which was a special hamburger with sausages in it instead of meet. So German ;)

The reason the last two pictures are out of focus is because while we were in McDs, i noticed something was wrong with my focal lens and it was stuck and so it wouldn`t focus. Then for the next few hours i was gutted thinking i had broken it somehow, but then when i got home and took it apart i fixed it again luckily by clicking it into place and anyway, i thought the effect that it left on the photos looked really cool.

And.. IT'S DECEMBER! I can't believe there is just one month left of this amazing year! But still no sign of snow. :(



  1. amazing photos!!
    nice blog =)

  2. Nürnberger sind echt lecker ! Doch eigentlich isst man sie nur in Nürnberg :D Aber jedes Jahr wenn es ihn in McDonalds gibt, muss ich ihn einfach essen ♥
    Der Weihnachtsmarkt ist soooo schön in HH :)
